Achieving Influence

If you don’t see the ‘leader within you’ developing in the leaders around you, it may be time to assess whether you are achieving the influence you want in the organization.

influenceAre you being intentional about your influence? How often do you communicate lessons, values, and positive examples?

Military organizations (particularly staffs) are very efficient at turning leaders into ‘task executors.’ The tempo of operations can easily overwhelm intentional leader development and personal mentorship…and influence suffers.

As an Operations Officer, it was a struggle for me to connect with subordinate team members when I had two dozen tasks to review with them. I felt like I was simply running an organization instead of leading a team. So, we decided to allot dedicated weekly time to discuss professional topics, capture lessons, and share insights. And throughout the day, I tried to personally connect with the team member before we talked business.

Simple steps…but ones that deliberately created opportunities for influence.

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